Last days of Pre Calc
Here's the link to the handout: Preview assignment
Here's the desmos code:(do the desmos first for AP Calc preview)
Thursday / Friday May 10/11
There's a quiz and a start to the last topic of the year. Here are the videos:
1st video to watch
2nd video to watch
3rd video to watch
The example to read about is on p.398. Try the guided practice at the bottom of p.398. Those answers are:
a: -1/(x+1) + 3/(x-2)
b: -3/(2x+1)+2/(x-3)
For you to try: p.402: 1,3,5
for you to try for Monday / Tuesday:
May 8/9
We had a review day on optimization and systems problems. Here is a link to the answers to the handout: optimization review answers
(not sure what to say about the delinquent postings....:()
Weds / Thursday April 18/19
Students worked in groups and in stations to review solving systems of equations by elimination, substitution, and by using a calculator.
Here are the pages that contain the practice problems:
Here are the pages from the old text you are supposed to read:
p519 elimination
maybe try this one for elimination: elimination example
p520 substitution
You could also read P18 and P19 examples 2 and 3. This section is at the front of our text.
Here are the videos you need:
solve by substitution
solve by elimination
Here are the three stations:
solve by calculator
solve by elimination
solve by substitution
Mon / Tues April 16/17
WE took the unit test. Plain and simple.
Thursday / Friday April 12/13
We checked homework on the angle / sum difference formulas then took a fake 3 question quiz.
The rest of the period was split into review and individual conferences.
Here's the review sheet to guide your reviewing: CH.5 review sheet
Video links that may help you:
LT2A: A bunch of identities (on this video patrick derives many of the same identities that we used...from the pythagorean identities to even and odd with sine and cosine to the angle sum identities. Broad review. I do think you should review that 3 page white handout from the start of the unit for this standard.)
LT3A: Verify identities
Another verify identity
And another...
(remember these people will all have their own unique twists and points of emphasis...if I were a student, I'd copy down the problem, do as much as I could, then watch the video. If all you do is watch the video, you are deceiving yourself. You still need to do the work on your own...and use the video for a backup).
LT2B: Angle sum formulas
another guy...slightly weird...
(remember, ignore the tangent formula)
LT3B: solve trig equations,
another person's approach
solve by factoring and substituting
(there are sooooo many options out there. Again, copy down the problem, work it out til you get stuck, then play the video. Also remember our solutions are limited in the interval from 0 to 360 degrees...some videos may list an infinite range of solutions)
Tuesday / Wednesday April 10/11
We finished the angle sum proof and practiced some examples. We only need to use cosine and sine.
We finished the quiz and then practiced on our own.
Here's the assignment: p.341: 1, 3-6, 12-15, 35-38
Also try this: use the angle sum formula to develop a new formula for sin(2x) and for cos(2x). These would be called "double angle formulas".
Here's a video: angle sum explanation
A different guy's explanation: angle sum
Friday / Monday April 6/9
We went through some homework problems, started developing a proof, then took a quiz.
Ran out of time in B day so we'll finish next class. No new hw. I suggest many of you need to go back and actually spend thoughtful time completing past assignments.
Tuesday / thursday April 3/5
Students got together to write up their best homework problem on desktops then we did a gallery walk to analyze the work of others.
We then did a small group activity involving solving trig equations.
We finished with two teacher led examples of more complex equations and techniques used to solve.
The assignment is at the end of the powerpoint: day 2 solve trig equations
Thursday March 29/Monday April 2
We went through verifying trig identities homework. Here are the solutions: verify trig identities solutions
There are plenty of youtube videos on this topic. If you had trouble on the hw, I recommend you watch some more but also practice on the problems shown in the videos.
Here is the powerpoint. Not much teaching but there is something for you to do on your own: power point
Next class I'll be clarifying how to express your answers. Essentially we will just be expressing answers in the interval of 0 to 2 pi
We also took a quiz today.
Here's the stipulation sheet for retake: Retake sheetYou'll want to print it off, fill it out, come in to talk with me (make sure to tell me when you're coming in), and then we can determine what problems you should do and anything else before you retake the assessment.
LT3A is the peach sheet; LT3B is the green. You can retake either, both, or neither.
You have until Friday April 13 to get this done. You can NOT just show up to retake; nor can you retake on the same day as the initial conference with me.
Tuesday /Wednesday March 27 / 28
We did a gallery walk of 6 different "verify trig identity" problems...trying to notice a common theme on how to simplify.
We then did four more 'together' as a whole class, then students were to try p.324: 1,4,7,10,12,16,21,23
Friday / Monday Marcch 23/26
We went through the handout, took a quiz 5.1 (LT 2A), then students worked to put blue strips in order based on logical algebraic moves. This was to bridge the gap between the 6 page handout and the next topic called 'verify trig identities'. No hw.
Weds/Thursday March 21/22 (AFTER SPRING BREAK)
On Monday / Tuesday after break we did a handout that encouraged students to discover 'identities'.
On Wednesday / Thursday it was very teacher directed with a quick review of Monday / tuesday and working towards simplifying expressions.
Here's the powerpoint with hw: powerpoint
kMonday / Tuesday March 5/6
We checked homework, did a math madness review in pairs, then did individual review based on the review sheet posted last Thursday / Friday.
Unit exam Weds / Thursday
Thursday / Friday March.1/2
WWe did a warm up / discussion on finding areas of triangles, read to learn about how to find areas of oblique triangles using Heron's formula, practiced two on p.296, then took law of sines /cosines quiz.
After the quiz students were to practice on p.299: 37, 39, 41, 53, 55
Here's the review sheet for the unit test on Wednesday / Thursday: review sheet
I think graphing will still be challenging so I hope to do some of these with you on Mon/ Tuesday. E
Thursday / Friday Feb.22/23
We did a warm up to derive our own version of law of cosines, then checked hw from law of sines, and did some practice problems on law of cosines (when to use it and how).
Here's the power point: power point
On the power point I listed the next few days and what we'll be doing
Tuesday / Wednesday Feb.20/21
We did a warm up, took a quiz on inverse trig, then learned about law of sines to solve triangles.
No ambiguous case needed.
Here's the powerpoint: power point
We ended up only assigning 1-7 odds
Thursday / Friday Weds 15/16
We checked homework on the inverse trig assignment, went over a graphing word / application problem, then took another graphing quiz. No new hw.
Really, go back and watch the videos posted that you haven't watched yet.
Tuesday / Wednesday Feb.13-14
We did a warm up about the unit circle, discussed the concept behind inverse trig functions, then did some practice.
Here's the power point with the assignment on the last page: power point
Another graphing opportunity next class.
Friday / Monday Feb.9/12
I was absent Friday but students got their graphing quizzes back, did an activity with transparancies and graphs to reinforce amplitudes, phase shifts, and periods; they continued to look at p.264...and also added in 64-66 p.266.
Also I strongly encourage you to watch the videos previously posted.
Weds/ Thurs Feb.7/8
We took our first graphing quiz then started looking at real data and coming up with sinusoids for the real data. B day was totally rushed on the early out; A day worked out really well.
Here's a video for help on graphing the trig functions (like #4 on the quiz):Quick graphs of all 6 trig functions
Trig graphs with transformations
Remember, we are only doing transformations with sin x and cos x.
Modeling data with trig functions
And here's a Khan academy example of the 'real life' problems with data
Monday / Tuesday Feb.5/6
Sheesh...another one of those periods of time that got away from me. Sad that no one commented on it:(
Here's the link to the graphing solutions from p.264: solutions p.264
Here's a link to the Bert / Ernie partner activity: trig graph partner activity
Here's the power point: Mon / Tues powerpoint
Weds / Thurs Jan.24/25
We checked a few hw problems, took a checkpoint quiz, then worked on a discovering 'radians' activity.
Here's the activity instructions sheet you'll want to follow in class: Radian discovering activity
Frid/Tues Jan.19/23
We did a quick warm up of the essential learnings from the previous day, discussed some of the homework, then I modeled how to solve a few different types of word problems.
Here's the power point with the assignment listed: 4.1 day 2
You'll have a checkpoint quiz next class.
Weds/ Thurs Jan.17/18
Students received a handout with a handful of trig word problems. Here's the power point with the assignment listed on a slide: 4.1 pre calc
2nd semester
_________________________________________________________________________________Friday / Mon Jan 5 / 8
We checked p.438 and p.449, then took a quiz.
After the quiz students worked on review: p.474: 11, 14, 17; 23-25, 28; 31,33,37.
The unit test on conics is Tuesday / Wednesday. Students will be choosing a unit from 1,2 , or 3 to redo as desired or nothing at all; some will also be working on a level 4 question.
Weds/Thursday Jan 3/4
We did a warm up on ellipses then did a pretty quick lesson on hyperbolas. We stuck with the basics: hyperbolas with a center at the origin.
For practice try p.449: 1-4, 9,10
Here's a video: graphing hyperbolas example
Once you watch that you'll have options for other videos if you so desire
Weds/Thurs 20/21
Here are my solutions for the assignment as shown on the powerpoint from Mon / Tues: p.438 solutions
The attached solutions are correct (yes, sloppy but correct...) but my example in class today kind of lacked polish.
We had ( )^2 + 4( )^2 = 1...and I froze.
You have to have 1 on the right hand side. You can't divide by 4 but how about rewriting 4 as 1/1/4 (one over one fourth). Didn't see that in class...sorry. We did everything else right in the example.
It's a quick few days after break so you'll want to stay on top of your hw.
Mon / tues Dec.18/19
We did the card sorting for parabolas as a warm up, went over the hw from p.428, then took a quick 2 question quiz.
The rest of the period we worked on circles and ellipses though we did NOT get as far as I needed to.
Here's the powerpoint...but the hw was greatly reduced.
We'll finish up next time. We'll have another quiz right after break. I did send out a mass email via infinite campus giving an update on the schedule.
powerpoint Mon / Tues
Thurs / Frid Dec.14/15
We had a card sorting activity to build on the Desmos conic activity. I made a few errors...a bit tired...but here's what I tried to get you ready to do for next time:
p.428: 1,5,9,27,29,31,55,56,57
These three types of problems give you a pretty clear picture of what you should be able to do for all conics by the time we finish the unit.
Tues / Weds Dec.12/13
We had a great (seriously!) Desmos activity to introduce you to conics (our next unit). The code for the activity is in this powerpoint in case you were absent. No hw was given today.
Powerpoint for desmos
Fri / Mon Dec.8/11
You had a chapter 3 test. Plain and simple.
Weds / Thurs Dec.6/7
Same as previous day. You are reviewing independently based on your needs. You have the quizzes, you have the framework to organize your review, you have the in class time. Use it.
We also did a warm up of some problems that seemed to cause issues for you. No new hw. Unit test next class period. You should view it as your retake did poorly on the quizzes? It's your time to do better.
Monday / Tuesday Dec.4/5
Here's the review handout that will frame your work: review framework
You'll start the period by finishing the modeling assignment from last Thursday / Friday.
No powerpoint.
Thursday / Friday Nov.30 / Dec. 1
We went over the hw from p.196, then took a quiz.
After the quiz students are to work on the following guided learning handout: modeling
Because you need a graphing calculator to do this handout, you'll have time today in class and next time in class to finish this.
What that also means is you have 'extra' time over the weekend (since you don't have new homework) to go back over your two quizzes and rework the problems to start studying.
Your unit test is Friday Dec.8 / Monday Dec.11.
Tues/Weds Nov.28/29
Students put up solutions to the last two assignments then we went through 3 more types of solving equations. A day had 25 minutes to work in class; B day didn't have any time due to shortened day.
Here's the powerpoint: powerpoint
Here are the solutions: p.196 solutions
You have a quiz next class. Covers level 3 standards and 2AD
Tues Nov.21 / Mon Nov.27
We really followed the powerpoint. Didn't go over the hw from p.185 (can next class). Did assign new homework.
Unit test coming up next week...probably end of the week.
Powerpoint: powerpoint before and after Thanksgiving
Fri/Mon Nov.17/20
We did a warm up in part to justify studying logarithms. We did a quick pop quiz on copying a hw problem if you did it; on graphing a log with a transformation; and three true / false questions about logarithms and exponentials.
The rest of class was spent conjecturing about patterns when finding logs and adding and subtracting them. We did 3 class examples using the properties that we discovered.
Hw is on the last slide of the powerpoint: powerpoint Fri / Mon
Here are the solutions to the assignment I gave today (and Friday): p.185 solutions
Weds/Thurs Nov.15/16
We did a quick warm up of kids talking to each other about logs and exponentials, then we went through the log review answers. Here are the answers: log review assignment answers
Here's the powerpoint from Weds / Thurs: powerpoint Weds / Thurs
The assignment is on the last slide of the powerpoint.
You'll have a quick hw 'check quiz' next time. Just make sure to do your hw.
Mon/Tues Nov13/14
Here's the link for today's IN CLASS guided learning activity: Log review
We also went over most problems from the assignments on p.166 and then took a quiz on exponentials. Hw is in the log review.
Tues/Weds/Thurs/Frid Nov7-10
So I put two days together here.
Here's the powerpoint from Tues/Weds: powerpoint Tues / Weds
You could always go back to Desmos and try some of the exploring to firm up ideas on graphing.
A day--your assignment is on that last slide. B day--we didn't quite get there.
Here's the powerpoint from Thurs / Fri: Thurs / Fri powerpoint
A day: your assignment is the 2nd to last slide.
B day: your assignment(s) are listed on the last two slides. The very last slide is the graphing assignment from Wednesday.
We'll be doing a quick quiz Monday / Tuesday. Happy weekend.
Fri/Mon Nov.3/6
Unit 2 test. Plain and simple. No hw.
Weds/Thursd Nov 1/2
We did a warm up of two questions that students had the most trouble with on past quizzes, then we went through a few questions from the most recent quiz.
Students then had time to review on their own based on their needs.
See previous post for solutions to suggested review.
After school on Thursday I'll be going through some review questions for whomever shows up:)
Mon/Tuesday Oct 30/31
We did a warm up of 2 questions then took a quiz.
Students received an error analysis sheet trying to get them to review for the unit test.
Here are the solutions to the suggested review questions: solutions to suggested review questions
Weds /Thursday Oct.25/26
We built on last class's ideas and now incorporated drawing the actual graphs for rational functions.
Here's the powerpoint: powerpoint
Here are the solutions: p138 graphing solutions
I mentioned this in the solutions but remember you already did most of the analysis (with limit statements ) last time so...I tended to just sketch the graphs while referring to my previously completed set of solutions (see Mon/Tuesday Oct.23/24)
Quiz next class
review next next class
Unit exam in 3 class periods
Mon/Tues Oct.23/24
We did a warm up, answered any questions from last week's hw, went over the quiz, then direct taught analyzing rational equation graphs (and then just the equations).
Here's the powerpoint: powerpoint
Here are the solutions to the assignment: p.138 solutions
Thursday / Friday Oct.19/20
We went over one hw problem that we didn't get to last time, then took the 2.4 quiz (finding zeros, sketching polynomials). Post quiz you are to follow this guided learning handout: Rational equations guided learning
Tues/Weds Oct.17/18
In A day class we checked hw first; in B day we didn't have time.
Both classes did the stations review. Here's the link to the stations and solutions: 2.4 stations review
Now, be kind. I didn't intend for THESE solutions to be seen so...they are messy:)
You have your quiz next class--no new hw. Make sure to bring your text next class because you'll have an independent guided learning activity to work through.
Friday / Monday Oct.13 / 16
We did a warm up on how to deal with imaginary zeros then students did the retake of unit 1. After the retake they were to work on the assignment on p.127 but that seemed to not occur a lot of the time.
P.127 should be done for Tuesday (A day), Wednesday (B day). We have a stations activity planned for Tuesday / Wednesday, then students have a quiz on Thursday and well as new material to learn.
I did not have a powerpoint for today.
Wednesday / thursday Oct. 11/12
Very teacher directed, straight forward work on putting a lot of things together...and it went reallllllly well today (Weds) so thanks block 3! Well done!
No homework for Friday (we knew a lot of kids would be gone today) but, if you want to get started on hw that you'll do after the retake on Friday, it is found on p.127: 2,11,12,42,43,49,54. For more practice you could similar problems to these and just choose the odds since those answers are in the back.
Here's the powerpoint for today: powerpoint for Weds /Thurs Oct 11/12
(but there was sooooooooo much writing and talking that you might want to look at a trusted student's notes)
Here are my solutions: p.127 solutions
Again, for A day this is what you'll work on AFTER the retake on Friday. For B day, you'll work on this AFTER the retake on Monday.
Monday / Tuesday Oct.9/10
We did a warm up with remainder and factor theorems.
I went over a few problems from Thursday's assignment, then we addressed the issue of how do you find zeros of a 4th degree polynomial. Tried to scaffold things and in the process simplified it a bit much. We'll have to fine tune things on Wednesday.
Here's the powerpoint from today: powerpoint Mon / Tues Oct.9/10
A day unit one retest: this Friday
B day unit one retest: next Monday.
We are able to do this in class. People who don't need to retake it will be able to work on hw or on a level 4 problem.
Here's a video on the rational roots theorem: rational roots theorem
For those of you who are still struggling with factoring, you might want to go back to the post from Friday / Monday Sept.29 / Oct.2 and click on the guided handout 2.2. You'll see some options for problems to try and videos to watch for a refresher.
Thursday / Friday Oct 5/6
Sorry--I'm doing this several days after the fact. I know we worked on remainder and factor theorems. Probably did a warm up of dividing polynomials.
The hw was to use the factor and remainder theorems to redo some of the problems from the previous ignore the text directions and just redo some of last time's hw. That said, you still might want to look at the last slides for a few specific problems.
Here's the powerpoint: powerpoint for Thurs /Frid Oct 5/6
B day students also took a quiz that I couldn't fit in on Wednesday.
Tuesday / Wednesday Oct. 3/4
We did a warmup of factoring, end behavior, and graphing a polynomial in factored form.
On A day class we went over some hw from p.104; on B day we didn't have time.
On both days we worked through 1. 5 examples of dividing polynomials with a box.
On A day, we did a quiz; on B day the quiz is Friday.
Hw: p.115: 1-27 eoo as needed (so 1,5,9...up to 27). Ignore the textbook directions and just divide the polynomials.
Here's one video on dividing. there are more out there. dividing polynomials
Friday / Monday Sept.29/Oct.2
Here are the solutions to the assignment you are getting on Friday / Monday. It will give you good practice on stuff we did in class Wednesday / Thursday.
p.104 solutions
Here's the guided reading /video watching activity: guided activity for 2.2
(On Friday / Monday, you'll want to click on the guided activity first)
Happy weekend!
Weds/Thursday Sept.27/28
NO tests back today--working on grading.
Gave students the ultimate goal for this new unit along with the scales / standards for the unit (for the powerpoint, click here
No homework tonight--really tried to get two main ideas across today. Big day on Friday though--bring your texts!
Monday / Tuesday Sept 25/26
Unit 1 test. Plain and simple. No hw.
Thursday / Friday Sept.21/22
We did a warm up analyzing a 'fake' student's quiz on composition of functions and finding the domain. Students presented their analysis and corrections.
We went over the quizzes from last class. Then students were given a half sheet with suggested review problems for the unit test Monday / Tuesday.
I will not be posting solutions to this review assignment so you might make sure to do the odds. For detailed solutions you can always go back through assignments and look at the posted solutions for those assignments.
Here's the half sheet with suggested review: suggested review problems for unit 1
Tuesday / Wednesday Sept.19/20
Students were given a few minutes to talk about transformations with their group then they took a 20-30 minute long quiz. I switched from the powerpoint from Tuesday's A day class (here it is: powerpoint tues/weds) to just giving notes the old fashioned way on Wednesday. We ran out of time Wednesday so here are some videos that might be beneficial:
The basics of inverses
How to find the inverse (very procedural)
Another person finding inverses of functions
Here's the suggested practice for Friday.
27, 30, 38,40,41,50,51
Here are the solutions to p.70: p.70 solutions
______________________________________________________________________________ Friday / Monday Sept.15/18
We went over the most recent quizzes, did another example or two of composing functions and finding their domain, then had practice time.
Remember for the listed assignment on p.62 to ignore the text directions and instead just find f(g(x)) and g(f(x)) and find their domains.
Today's powerpoint: Powerpoint for Frid/Mond Sept.15/18
Solutions for today's assignment: p.62 solutions
I strongly suggest that you do the reading assignment for Tuesday (A day) and Weds (B day) as listed on the last slide of the powerpoint. It'll help you understand things.
Unit test Mon/Tues
You do have a quick quiz on JUST GRAPHING TRANSFORMATIONS (no composite functions...sorry A day...I was wrong again!) on Tuesday for A day, and Wednesday for B day. Make sure you know the parent functions and the transformations. We did a discovery lab, then whole class notes, then an assignment (p.52) to help you learn. Did you do what you needed to do?
Here are some videos:
horizontal and vertical transformations
stretch, shrink, and reflect
All transformations (I think) (I haven't seen this guy before but what I watched seemed ok)
Weds/Thursday Sept 13/14
We went over domain of composition of functions then took another checkpoint quiz.
Here's the powerpoint: powerpoint for Weds/Thurs Sept 13/14
We will spend another part of a class period on composition
Here are the solutions to p.52p.52 solutions
Monday / Tuesday Sept.11/12
We warmed up with a 'fake' quiz on sketching and writing equations of the 8 parent functions you were supposed to read about and do the green matching activity about.
We did a lab activity designed to reinforce the parent functions as well as to give you a handle on the transformations that you are responsible for knowing.
We finished up with whole class processing.
Here is the lab: transformations lab
Here is the powerpoint with the assignment for Friday: Sept. 11/12 powerpoint
The hw on p.52 is listed on the last slide of the powerpoint.
Students got their quizzes back today. There's another 'chance' Wednesday--kind of a repeat of the most frequently missed questions along with a matching of the parent functions.
Thanks for Mrs. Wahlstrom for the following list of suggested problems to reinforce some of the main ideas on the quiz. If you want additional practice, try these:
Here are the homework problems I gave you that correspond to each skill.
a. #2 - Domain/range of graph: p.19#10-14
b. #2 – Increasing/decreasing: p.40#7-10
c. #3 – Domain/range without graph: p.10#40-46
d. #4 – Intercepts: p.19#16-22
e. #4 – Extrema: p.40#14,20
f. #4 – Average rate of change: p.40#34,40,42,49
g. #5 – Even/odd: p.20#34-40
h. #6 – End behavior: p.30#22-26
i. #7 – Continuity: p.30#44-48
Thursday / Friday Sept. 7/8
We started the class by going over some homework questions from two different assignments, then we discussed the class expectations that are in part based on your answers to the mathemagician sheet, then you took a quiz on 1.1-1.4 ("another opportunity").
Answers to the parent function matching activity: parent function matching activity
Powerpoint from Thurs/Friday that gives page numbers and what you are to read for this weekend:
Powerpoint from Thursday/Friday
Here are some graphing transformation videos that might also be of benefit:
Graphing transformation 1
Graphing transformations 2
(I'm disappointed in the quality of these but couldn't find any others that I'd recommend:()
Tues / Weds Sept.5 /6
We spent almost the entire period doing a partner sketching activity in hopes of some vocabulary getting better ingrained.
We did NOT check p.40 in class nor did we pick it up. Please check it (see blog post below) for the next class.
We did hand out a 4 page parent function activity which should be completed for next time. There is also another checkpoint quiz (thanks SRG!) next time.
This blog site is a bit new to me so I'll be getting better at this as the year goes on. Still, I hope to be able to post solutions to the assignments as well as powerpoints.
Here's the powerpoint for Aug.25/28: Aug.25_28
Here are the solutions to the assignment on p.9/19: p.9/19 solutions
(and I'll start using different colors to help make it more clear...)
Here are the solutions to p.30 (hw from Aug.29/30): p.30 solutions
In class today (Thursday Aug.31/ Friday Sept.1)
we did a comprehensive warmup, took a 'checkpoint quiz' (do you know what you need to know at this stage?), did a reading assignment on average rate of change and extrema, then went over p.9, p.19, p.30, and the reading preview. I collected all of those (you can still turn in p.30 Tuesday/Wednesday) and tried to clarify average rate of change.
Here's the powerpoing (I did not follow this exactly today...): Notes Aug.31 / Sept.1
Click here for the solutions for p.40 (assigned today): p.40 solutions
Whoops. It's after school now--on #20 (p.40), it should say ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM is (4,23) and RELATIVE MAXIMUM is (-1,4). Thanks:)
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